Pagliacci pizza
Per Christa's recommendation, we have tried Pagliacci Pizza twice and, while Jack didn't care for it the second time we ordered, it certainly meets parent approval! I'm a bit foggy on what pizza we tried the first time we ordered from here since it was just days after moving into our new place and I wasn't considering food at that time like I am able to now. But, for our second delivery call, we ordered a seasonal offering, the salame picante pizza which features Salumi's rosmarino salami, Peppadew sweet peppers, mozzarella, and rosemary on a San Marzano tomato base. And, while I probably won't order this pie again since I am trying my best to keep my saturated fats LOW, it was really flavorful! The sweetness from the peppers provided a nice counterbalance to the peppery salami.
We also ordered a salad which was really delicious and met both parent AND kid approval! It was a pasta salad with sweet peas and artichoke hearts dressed in a creamy pesto sauce. Mmmm!
I don't think this picture really does the food justice since it's poorly taken, but we ate it so quickly, it's the only one I've got!
And, if you missed the update on my supplement give-away post, Kristin is our lucky winner! Thanks to all for playing...I hope I can do another give-away sometime because I'd love to give each of you a prize! Thanks as always for reading!
Have a wonderful weekend! Be sure to see my second post from yesterday, if you missed it...The Blues at Magnuson Park Beach.