She called me dearheart.
She made one of my favorite dishes of all-time, Hungarian-style stuffed cabbage.
Her home and pool were the backdrop of many of my childhood memories.
I called her Granny, Gran, then Great-Granny.
But, two weeks ago I lost her.
She was the rock of my mom's side of the family...the mother of nine children, the grandmother of twenty grandchildren, the great grandmother of one great grandson (my Jack), a friend to hundreds, and the wife to my beloved grandfather, Jack.
Granny lived a full life...nineteen years past Pawpaw's death in 1992...with such incredible strength and courage that I am almost certain I would not be capable of. We all loved her wit, her compassion, her dedication, her feistiness, and her love.
Saying goodbye to her in Florida last week was so hard. I will miss her phone calls, her cards, her hugs, her pestering for a second great grandchild. I hate that Jack won't grow up with her in his life. And, I hate that I can no longer hear her stories, ask her for advice with parenting, or spend the holidays surrounded by her cheer and witnessing her head-to-toe holiday themed attire!
I hope she is now spending her days with Pawpaw and falling in love with him all over again. And, I hope she knows just how much we all love and miss her.