Happy Weekend (& Friday Links)

What are you up to this weekend?  The four of us are headed up to Chattanooga to do a little exploring and a lot (I hope) of recharging.  The forecast is calling for crisper temperatures which I am excited about and I hope to see some fall leaf colors on the mountains!

I hope your weekend is a fun one!

Some points of interest from the week:

Is Domestic Life the Enemy of Creative Work? This article speaks to me...I struggle with the pull between the two every day.

A magical backyard play space and a controversial approach to letting children be free range.  Being part of a playborhood in our current situation makes me appreciate his intentions so much despite not loving his limitless/no boundaries approach to play.

I haven't yet listened, but it's on the top of my new podcast list.

8 years in Obama's America.

PS Photo above of the Tennessee River taken from Signal Point on Signal Mountain in June.